On Sunday 29th September 2024, Fr Tomaž Mavrič CM, Superior General, blest the newly built presbytery (next door to the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Flower Lane, Mill Hill NW7) which is home to a community of Vincentian priests – Fr Eugene PP, Fr Ray, Fr Ako, Fr John and Fr Francis. The opportunity was also taken to mark the 400th year of the Congregation of the Mission (founded in 1617 and confirmed in 1625), the 175th year of the Irish Province (erected in 1848), the centenary year of Mill Hill Parish (though the Vincentians have been here since 1889) and the 25th anniversary of the current church building. Whilst in Mill Hill, Fr Tomaž stayed with the Daughters of Charity and said Mass for the Sisters in their Provincial House.
See video of the History of the Sacred Heart Parish, Mill Hill NW7