can we pray for you

Light a candle and pray for a loved one, for friends or for yourself. Complete the form below and we will approve your submission as soon as possible.

SHARE your prayer request


As a powerful emblem of hope and unity, we extend an invitation to join us in lighting a virtual candle while submitting your prayer request. This gesture symbolises our shared hope and the unwavering light of faith that illuminates our path in moments of difficulty.

flickering candles

Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Prayer for Fr. Boonlert Sangkusolnaiphasutha, who was chosen to serve as the administrator of the Diocese of Chiang Mai. May he always be blessed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.

Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Please pray for Vishanu P., who has lung cancer. Pray to the Lord for mercy. may medical technology enable him to reap the rewards of his blessings and keep him healthy

Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

 Please pray for Bangkok Archbishop, Thailand's Cardinal Michael Michai Kitbuchu. May God bless you on your 96th birthday and keep you well enough to join the Church of Thai.

Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

 Please pray for my mother, who is experiencing age-related discomfort and ask God to provide her with the capacity to carry out her daily tasks more easily in line with His will.

Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Please pray for Mr. Attasit Limpnan, May God be merciful to us and strengthen his recovery and medical treatment.


Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Prayer for Fr. Boonlert Sangkusolnaiphasutha, who was chosen to serve as the administrator of the Diocese of Chiang Mai. May he always be blessed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.


Please pray for the family of Sheila who died recently following a short illness.

Andres and Family

God will protect him and his family from all evil and heal the damage done to them.


Prayers for a lovely lady who is having a difficult time.

Sunday Issac

Prayers for Guidance and Protection.

Brian C

Prayers for Brian who is in hospital that he will respond well to his treatment.

Ann Mary

Prayers for my daughter and her board exam that the Holy Spirit will guide her.


Prayers for success in board exams to be with her and for guidance.


Praying that Abbie who has worked so hard gets the school of her choice.


Prayers for Mary who is having tests and scans that the medics will discover the problem and begin treatment.

Antonio and Angela

Prayers for Francesco and Michele and for all the family's dearly departed.

Sister in Law

Prayers that she will recover her good health.

Anne Marie's husband

Prayers for healing and full recovery.

Felix Tete

Prayers for Felix who has had surgery for healing and recovery also for the nursing team.

Melody Manson

Prayers for healing and peace of mind.

Ken and Jan Noyes Family

Prayers for their family and grandchildren.


Prayers for Neenimon and her mother for good health.

George Scarlett

Prayers for strength & courage in time of trial.

Viola Cleo Bradshaw

Prayers for Viola and her sister and parents and their intentions.

Angela Mary

Praying for healing and for mobility enabling me to cope, and for my eyesight

Prayer Request

philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksagiving, present your requests to God

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