Are you feeling a call to religious life? Discover insights and guidance to help you discern your spiritual path, suitable for anyone exploring a vocation.

Pope Francis is standing in front of a crowd and waving.
pope francis

Find Fulfilment in Your Vocation

Each of us is called by God to live the life He has marked out for us, a life that will bring us closer to Him.

Each of us has a vocation, a special calling.

Through prayer and discernment, we can discover our vocation.

Pope Francis reminds us that,

In discerning your vocation, do not dismiss the possibility of devoting yourself to God in the priesthood, the religious life or in other forms of consecration. Why not? You can be sure that, if you do recognise and follow a call from God, there you will find complete fulfilment.

[Christus Vivit No 276]

signs of a Vocation (Discernment)

10 signs that could help you identify a calling

dawn hausman

Guided by the spirit

Answering the Call: Discovering Life's Purpose

The feeling that God is calling you to a life of service and community may surface while praying, reading the Bible, listening to music, surfing the internet or watching a film. You may have felt it for a long time or it could be something that has recently come to you. Ask yourself these questions:

A black and white drawing of a heart and arrow on a white background.


Do I feel a tugging in my heart to live my faith more fully?

A black and white icon of a hand holding a heart.

Gifted Impact

Do I feel I want to make difference with the gifts that I have been given?

A black and white silhouette of a shark on a white background.


Do I love being with my friends and having fun, but feel that there must be more?

If you’ve answered YES to one or more of these questions, it could be that God is calling you to a fuller life lived in service to others.

Seek out that calm and quiet that enables you to reflect, pray, look more clearly at the world around you, and then, with Jesus, come to recognise the vocation that is yours in this world. 

Christus Vivit No 277



Let us serve with hearts filled

with pure love of God

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