In 1830, St. Catherine Labouré's Marian apparition led to the creation of the Miraculous Medal, a significant moment for the Daughters of Charity.
Most Holy Virgin, I believe and confess your holy and Immaculate Conception, pure and without sin.
Most pure virgin, through your virginal purity, your immaculate Conception, your privilege of being the Mother of God,
Obtain for us from your Divine Son, humility, charity, great purity of mind and body, the gift of prayer, a holy life and a happy death.
O Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, at the message of an angel, you received the Word of God, in your heart and in your womb and gave Life to the world.
O Temple of the Living God, Throne of the Eternal King, Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, we consecrate ourselves to you Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
May the Medal be a sign of your love for us and a witness of our devotion to you.
May your promise to St. Catherine Labouré bring grace to us and peace to all who say
“O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us
who have recourse to you.”
O Immaculate Virgin Mary Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ with confidence we come to implore your unfailing help.
Bearer of Life, Mother of our Saviour, Give birth in our hearts to Jesus your Son, Who forgives our sins and brings healing to our lives.
Mother of the Church on Earth, hear the cry of the lowly and the poor, who hunger for Jesus the Bread of Life and in your loving wisdom make our prayers you own.
(We pause to make our needs known to our Immaculate Mother)
Virgin gentle in Mercy, Queen of the universe, cover us with the veil of your protection and deliver us from the darkness of evil.
Teach us by prayer and self-control the meaning of truth and the beauty of love, that with minds that are healed and hearts that are pure, we may come in the end to where you are the Queen of Angels and of Saints.
Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary that never was it known, that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help or sought your intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, we fly unto you. O Virgin of Virgins our Mother.
To you do we come before you we kneel, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your mercy hear and answer us.