Daughters of Charity live in community houses while serving and can be assigned to exclusive care homes for health and personal care as they age.
Throughout her life as a Sister, every Daughter of Charity lives with her companions in a variety of community houses, depending on her ministry. When her health fails with ageing and she needs support with her health and personal care needs, she can be missioned to one of our four care homes in the province. There are two in England, one in Scotland and one in Australia, they are not open to admissions from the general public but are mainly for our own use.
All our care homes own and promote the Vincentian Values of RESPECT, TRUST, HOPE, DIGNITY, CHOICE and EXCELLENCE. Commitment to these values by the staff ensures that the spirit of Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac and our Vincentian Saints lie at the heart of their service today.
Every Daughter of Charity is committed to a life of prayer, living in community and working for people who are needy and disadvantaged. This is true for our sisters in care. All our care homes are organised and run in such a way as to enable the sisters to still live a community life and to be ‘on mission’ within a residential setting, which is their life’s commitment.