On Friday 18th October, the Feast of St Luke, Sister Theresa Tighe DC was installed as the new Provincial of the Province of Rosalie Rendu. Many Sisters from the Province gathered in the Vincentian Parish of the Sacred Heart for the Special Mass which included the installation ceremony. Sr Celine Quadros and Sr Kathleen Boland were also in attendance representing the Province Area of Australia.
Fr Paul Roche CM, Provincial Director, was the main celebrant at Mass and Sr Julie Kubasak, Assistant General, was in attendance representing Sr Francoise Petit, the Superioress General of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. In a simple yet moving "hand-over" ceremony, Sr Julie thanked Sr Ellen Flynn, the out-going Provincial, for all that she had accomplished in the Province during her nine-year tenure. Sr Julie then welcomed Sr Theresa to the sanctuary and read the patent from the General Council authorising her to take up her new role as Provincial. This hand-over of authority was symbolised by the passing of the Province Candle from Sr Ellen to Sr Theresa. After Mass the Sisters returned to Provincial House for a celebratory dinner. At 6pm we prayed an Evening Prayer (on video) which had been put together by every Sister in the Province. It was a great community experience. Later that evening, those staying overnight in Provincial House came together for a social gathering. It was a wonderful day and we wish Sr Theresa every blessing as she takes up her new appointment.