The On 24th December 2024, Pope Francis opened the first Holy Door in St Peter's Basilica, Rome and inaugurated the Jubilee: a year of great significance for the Catholic Church, which celebrates (every 25 years) the plenary indulgence, meaning the total forgiveness of sins for those who engage in a path of penance, prayer, and devotion. The term 'Jubilee' derives from the Latin 'jubilaeus', which in turn comes from the Hebrew term 'yovel', literally 'horn': the ram's horn that was sounded at the opening of the jubilee year. Below, all the information on this ancient and extremely significant tradition: The origins of the Jubilee date back to the ancient Hebrew tradition. In the Old Testament, the Jubilee year was a period of redemption and restoration: every 50 years, lands were returned to their rightful owners, debts were cancelled, and prisoners were freed. It was an important year, in which balance was sought, not only spiritually, but also socially and economically. In Christianity, the Jubilee was instituted by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300, with the intent of offering the faithful the opportunity to obtain forgiveness of sins through pilgrimage to Rome and participation in religious rites.
The Jubilee Year of 2025 is intended to be at time of hope for the world, which is currently experiencing war, climate change and the effects of the COVID - 19 pandemic
The 2025 Jubilee Year will include: