7-12 September 2023 there was great joy in the Province of Rosalie Rendu, as we welcomed Sr Francoise Petit (Superioress General) and Sr Julie Kubasak (General Councillor) from our Mother House in Paris. They physically met with us in five GB locations: Glasgow, Liverpool, Southport, London and Brentwood – as well as virtually via Zoom in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, Australia.
Besides visiting the Sisters, sharing meals and praying with us – Sisters Francoise and Julie managed to see something of several of the ministries in which we serve, engaging with the people there. These ministries included, the Space and the Listening Heart projects in Glasgow; the residents of Christopher Grange in Liverpool, and the residents of the Marillac Neurological Care Centre in Warley, Brentwood.
Sr Francoise is the elected successor of our foundress, St Louise de Marillac, and – with her General Councillors -she is in constant contact and communication with our Sisters across the five continents in the 97 countries in which they live and serve. She is the figure who unites, encourages, supports and challenges us to live our vocation well in these times of so much need and poverty.