On Saturday 7th May 2022 a hybrid conference, “Communicating the Gospel in a Digital Age”, was held in the Sisters of Mercy Convent, Bermondsey, London SE1. Women and men from a variety of Religious Congregations gathered to explore the ways in which we communicate the Gospel via our websites and other Social Media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Blogging. The past two years living with COVID has introduced us to Zoom and Teams, and many of the participants who attended this conference, have already been meeting virtually every month. All agreed, however, that it was good to meet in reality “face to face”. Unfortunately, some Religious were unable to be in London and so they attended via Zoom. As a first, this hybrid meeting was a great success and we hope to run another such conference next year. It was also good to have three Daughters of Charity – Sisters, Maureen, Theresa and Maria in attendance representing the Rosalie Rendu Province COMMS Team.